Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Batman Begins

I saw Batman Begins Tuesday night. It's a good movie. I don't know if it's the best comic book movie. I'm still partial to Superman 2 and Spiderman , but it's still pretty good. I've never read the comic book or the Dark Knight graphic novels, but I've seen the original series, TAS , the new movies, Batman Beyond and Justice League and I think this movie is second only to TAS.

1) They spent a lot of time on backstory and developing Bruce Wayne/Batman and I like that. They reallly take the title "Batman Begins" too heart. You really get to understand Batman. That's something the Burton/Shumacher movies never gave you.

2) Katie Holmes sux. Really. She can't act.

3) Christian Bale was good. Liam Neeson (in playing Qui-Gon Jinn to Bale's Anakin, teaching him how to be a warrior). Gary Oldman really didn't have much to work with so Gordon really could have been played by anyone. Cillian Murphy was okay. Michael Caine was good and Morgan Freeman was Morgan Freeman.

4) I liked the plot. It was nice they focused on characters different from the other movies. Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul are Batman characters not known by the average moviegoer. I always enjoyed Ra's in TAS so seeing him portrayed on the big screen was nice.

5) Speaking of Ra's my understanding is that his name is prounced like "Raysh". However, in Batman Begins they pronounce as "Raz". Someone enlighten me as to the correct pronounciation.

6) Bottom Line: I really enjoyed it and think it would be a hit. It definitely does the character of Batman justice. Just spare us Ahnold, nippled suits and batgirl. B+

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We Won!!! We Won!!

We Won!!! Where's my MJ prize?

Monday, June 13, 2005

NEWSFLASH: Clarence Thomas is still a TOM!!!

From the Associated Press:
"In a dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas argued that Texas prosecutors had offered enough evidence that exclusions were made for reasons other than race.

For instance, the state's explanation that jurors were struck based on their hostility to the death penalty is plausible, and the alleged racial motivation behind prosecutors' decision to shuffle the jury pool is only speculative, wrote Thomas, the court's only black member."

He knows that "other reasons" for excluding black jurors was just a pretense. Or maybe the sad part is...he doesn't *know*.

We had an Earthquake today

Sometime before 9am. before 9am. I was getting ready for church and the apartment started shaking. I'm still not used to earthquakes. They still unnerve me. See, the thing with earthquakes is the ground is moving. If there's one thing you can count on in this world, it's the fact that the ground is solid. You can depend on the ground being there. Once that starts moving, then there's trouble.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Oaktown's 3-5-7

So I registered to take the bar again in July. Guess What? I gotta take it in Oakland. That's right. There was no more space left in San Diego or Los Angeles. So I'm SOL. How do they expect me to take the bar exam in Oakland? This is so stupid. I wasn't able to register for the July exam until I got my results from February. So once I was eligible it was too late to get in San Diego because all the spots were taken. Arrrgh!