Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I finally DID it!!!

I finally graduated law school yesterday. Exciting day for all. My mom was there along with my wife and my friend. We took a few photos and video of the ceremony. I'll have post links to those soon. Keep an eye out for them.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

My Scholarly Writing Paper is DONE!!!

Finally. It took forever but it's done. All I have to do is pass my one Final Exam and I'll be a bonafide law graduate! Click the link below to read my paper.


Here's a preview of what to expect.

Coming Soon to a P.C. Near You: The Past, Present, and Future of Movie Copyright Infringement on the Internet
by Stephen Bates

I. Introduction

The latest Hollywood blockbuster just opened in theaters across the country today. You’ve seen the commercials. You have read the reviews. You have even stayed up well past midnight to watch the stars promoting the movie on late night talk shows. If you are like most people, to see this movie, you would probably drive down to your local Cineplex and dish out $9.00 for the flick. However, there are a growing number of movie fans that save the gas money for the drive and even their $9.00 and watch the same movie from the comfort of their home office on their personal computer at no additional charge.

For years the battle over copyright infringement on the Internet was between the music industry and software developers/users. Now with advances in technology that allow full-length movies to be downloaded in as little as 2 hours, the motion picture industry has entered the fray. To survive, in a game of “keeping up with the Jones’”, the motion picture industry must embrace the technology it’s been fighting because current copyright laws offer them no protection.