My '24' Review 9:00pm to 10:00pm 3-28-05
9:00pm to 10:00pm
1. Jack’s missing and CTU’s plan is to wait for Jack to contact them? Sheesh. Jack really does everything on his own.
2. What’s Edgar getting all snippy with Chloe for? Cause his momma melted in San Gabriel?
3. Chloe all pouting like a three year old!
4. This “All-American” boy assassin is versatile. This guy improvises like Jack Bauer!
5. Why is Audrey asking about Jack every five minutes?!? Literally. Chill on that!
6. Ah. It’s 9:51 pm and the streets of L.A. are absent of traffic. Only on “24”!
7. CTU took out the sniper before he got a chance at Jack. Imagine how shook we all would have been if this dude did kill Jack and Keifer wasn’t on the show anymore? ….But that’s not going to happen. If they were going to kill off Jack, they shoulda done it earlier than the 4th season. People are too invested in the character to allow someone else come in to be the star. Unless they get a big name movie star.
8. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! © Gomer Pyle Marwan’s men found both tracking devices. Developmentally disabled chimps must work for CTU if they thought they wouldn’t find the second tracking device. What was different about the second tracking device other than it was under Behrouz’s skin?
9. Grade: B- This ep was another let down. Nothing really happened. But if Fox promos are to be believed, next week will be explosive.
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