My '24' Review 5:00pm to 6:00pm 2-28-05
5:00pm to 6:00pm
1. Poor Paul. No one tortures suspects like Jack.
2. Oooh! Curtis twisted that dudes neck like he was wringing a wash cloth!
3. They gotta stop this crazy daughter storyline! Please!
4. Only 24 can make office cubicles so exciting!
5. Y did Edgar answer the phone, “This is Edgar Stiles!”?
6. Yeah boy…Curtis saved the Day!
7. Crazy girl killed herself. Now we don’t have to worry about Kim Part Deux for the next 12 hours.
8. Marwan (IMHOTerrorist as likes to call him) pulled a “Leon the Professional” by impersonating a CTU agent. Solaris was just a second too late in realizing that. I guess he’s not a Jean Reno fan.
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