Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Rain, Rain go Away!

It's President's day. Well it rained today. Oh boy did it rain today. It was raining when I woke up and it rained all day long. It rained so much that the river flooded...again. (It floods everytime it rains here.) You would think that the city would take steps to prevent the river from flooding EACH time it rained. Especially since the floodiings, forces the closure of five different roads separating allowing access from north to south, and results in traffic gridlock the likes of which you have never seen. The city won't do that because that would be too much like doing the right thing.

On another note, since it's been raining all day you would think that people would leave their house with umbrellas. Oh no! Not in San Diego. These people are walking around without umbrellas! Can you believe it? It don't take much to stay dry people.

Anyway, the Bar Exam begins tomorrow. All I can say is that I've prepared the best I can considering the time I had. I'm hoping I pass but with a 50% pass rate, it will be difficult. No matter what, I will be prepared for July exam and will pass that one. (In case I don't pass this one!)


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