Monday, January 10, 2005

My '24' Review 7:00am to 9:00am 1-9-05

7:00 am to 9:00 am

1. So Jack is going out with a superior’s daughter behind his back? Isn’t that what he was mad at Chase and Kim about last year?

2. Speaking of Kim. She may be absent this season, but “the American girl” Debbie is primed to take her position as the dumbest broad on television. She follows her “boyfriend” around and actually thinks he will defy his Muslim parents to go out with her. “So you do whatever they say?”

3. Jack wasn’t given his due respect. The new head of field ops acted like Jack didn’t know anything. I wanted Jack to say, “I’ve saved the life of the Presidential candidate, saved Los Angeles from a Nuclear bomb, and saved the ENTIRE country from a biological weapon.”

4. The black guy, Curtis, looks like Kwame from the Apprentice Season 1.

5. Jack wastes no time getting to the heart of the matter. Jack goes in shoots the guy in the kneecap and asks his question. That’s getting the job done!

6. That was actually restraint by Jack, at least he pump two bullets in him and cut his head off.

7. Speaking of taking care of business, the guy who caught up with Andrew Paige is pretty efficient himself. Killed all his coworkers and my man’s moms.

8. That rocket flying behind Audrey and Heller looked just like what happens in Halo!

9. Also, wasn’t a rocket a little overkill? Just snipe the secret service guys first. No need to turn the burbs into a warzone.

10. I can see now how Jack doesn’t have people under his thumb (like Palmer) to do what he wants. Heller was NOT about to give him clearance. “Naw Jack. This is a different administration.”

11. Wow, it only took Berouz 10 minutes to get to the warehouse from his house! Gotta love that “real time” L.A. traffic.


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