My '24' Review 6:00pm to 7:00pm 3-07-05
6:00pm to 7:00pm
1. This ep started off really slowly but picked up 45 minutes in.
2. So a brotha is passed up for a promotion again. The ways of the world.
3. Also, Curtis looked like he was gonna cry!
4. Jacks girl told Jack to protect Paul. “He’s not like you Jack.” Yeah he ain’t a cold-hearted-neck-snappin-guns-blazing-torturing-you-for-information guy like Jack Bauer!
5. “24” sure knows how to make the most mundane tasks (like looking through a computer for crucial files) suspenseful, don’t they?
6. These guys from that defense company would rather get in muuuuch more trouble (by assaulting a CTU agent and destroying evidence) over something someone else did?
7. Paul aint’ stupid. He read that guy as soon as he came in the room.
8. That fight scene with Jack takin’ out fools in the flickering lights was nice.
9. Overall, the first 45 minutes were BORING, but those last 15 minutes were crackerjack. Grade: B
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