Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My '24' Review 7:00pm to 8:00pm 3-14-05

7:00pm to 8:00pm

1. The Arab brothers who run sporting goods store. Great way for the producers to “redeem” Arab characters. Too bad the “good” Arabs were only on for 1 episodes. Maybe that’s enough to balance the portrayals. ;)

2. LOL at “Braxton” (Christopher Duncan) from the Jamie Foxx Show leading the mercenaries. While Jamie Foxx is winning Oscars, this dude is getting merked by Jack Bauer.

3. Jack straight stabbed that dude in the back of the neck!

4. Jack sure is racking up the body count!

5. Michelle knows she should have deferred to Tony’s judgment.

6. That chick (her name escapes me) pulled a “Chloe”! “I’m not going back to work until I get my record expunged and my pay grade bumped up two levels.” She ain’t worrying about terrorists, she worrying about her MONEY.

7. Poor Paul. You knew his time was up eventually.

8. Overall I thought this was a good ep. I was surprised they didn’t stretch this “blackout” storyline over 3 hours. Grade: A-


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