Monday, December 05, 2005

Step in the Name of...The USA???

That's exactly what R. Kelly did during the Taylor-Hopkins fight December 3rd. The "R-uh" as he is affectionately known by his underage, urine soaked girlfriends, was asked to sing the national anthem prior to the fight. He did just that...apparently....he also decided that back up dancers (steppers mind you) were needed to jazz up that old, boring anthem. Sportswriter Scoop Jackson has his own feelings on the spectacle.

Here's an excerpt:

"When Michael Buffer said his name before the fight, the room I was in grew quiet. Then it immediately got loud. Most times national anthems don't generate this type of reaction -- the fights or sporting events that follow them do. But in the words of the lil' great Huey Freeman: "Never underestimate how much n----s love R. Kelly."

R. Kelly certainly caused some controversy with his national anthem performance.

Then the beat came in.

Then the the panic set in.

Then the camera panned out.

Then … the phones started ringing.

OK, so my man Kells took the opportunity before the second act of Hopkins/Taylor, the second-biggest fight of the year, to Marvin Gaye the national anthem.

Give it some flavor, show it some love. Cool.


When the cameras showed that he was not in the ring alone -- when it showed that he had "steppers" (classically trained urban dancers) in the ring with him, "steppin'" in the name of patriotism with all the finesse of Herb Kent at the 50 Yard Line steppin' lounge -- it was enough to make Jeff Kent turn black.

Or John Chaney turn white.

But that wasn't it. The Pied Piper didn't stop there.

As he JB Monorailed himself through the lyrics, he then paused. Rode the break in the track, and sang out to the stunned folks in the crowd: "Put your hands together …"

OK, this negro has turned the anthem into a concert."


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