Saturday, July 09, 2005

It's not easy to become a lawyer in California

From a Website I found:

"The trick is: the California Bar Exam is known as the toughest in the nation (it's called an "exclusionary bar" because it's meant not just to measure competence, but also to regulate the number of lawyers who can practice in the state), so no matter what sort of school you've attended, you will be judged by the same ruthless standards as your accredited-school or non-accredited school peers. Simply put, it is NOT easy to become a lawyer in California, no matter what sort of school you choose."


At Tue Jul 12, 03:20:00 PM, Blogger Sonnyredd said...

Yo cuz,

Feb Bar exams are notoriously quirky. As a general rule, the examiners use Feb's exam to try out questions or areas of law that they don't usually test.

Other than that, I left some tips in okay hustle for you.


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