Sunday, August 21, 2005

Battlestar Galactica 2.6 HOME, Part 1 aka

"We are family, my President, Cylon, Son and Me" or "Put it in the airlock".

1. Poor Boomer. She's always having guns pulled on her.

2. "Put her in the airlock". Roslin is cold.

3. LOL! All the reporters looked at each other like, "And?"

4. So Zarek's endgame is revealed.

5. That new CAG sucks. That's what Adama gets for promoting based on "loyalty" instead of...I don't know...ability.

6. Ha! Lee tried to slip that "I love you" in there.

7. Why is it always raining in Vancouver? Sheesh!

8. I just knew that black lady was going to die. Oh well.

9. Yeah "D". Givin' the old man a piece of her mind!

10. Gold star for "D". She saved the fleet this week.

11. Next Week Previews: Sharon shoots Adama again?!? We'll have to wait 7 days to find out.

This episode was okay. Once again it seems like they're building up to something but not quite getting there. I don't mind "serial" episodes if they advance the plot. But now it seems like the show is plodding along. Come on pick up the pace!


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